Sisters of Social Service
called to live the christian life with zeal and joy
The Sisters of Social Service celebrated
90 years of being in Canada.
The people of Stockholm, SK presented the Sisters with a memorial plaque and a grand dinner.

One of our Sisters celebrated
her 50th Anniversary

Our Federation Gathering celebrated the 90th Anniversary of the foundation of the Sisters of Social Service from August 1-19, 2013 in Budapest, Hungary and Kosice, Slovakia. Approx. 100 Sisters gathered from 10 different countries.
Our gathering theme was:
“Globalization Transforming our Cultures:
SSS Challenge and Response 1923 – 2013”.
Our keynote speakers were: Sister Franciska Berkecz, SSS on our SSS spirituality; Agbonkhianmeghe E. Orobator, SJ and Anna Zaborska on globalization. Our Facilitators were : Sister Michele Walsh, SSS and Sister Magdolna Kovari, SSS.
The gathering included input from our keynote speakers as well as a 5 day ministry experience. Sisters went to various ministry sites in Kosice, Budapest and Romania. Each day consisted of visiting of the site and then a theological reflection on what had they had experienced
There was a plaque dedicated to one of our foundresses Sister Margaret Slachta unveiled during our time together.

National Association of Vocation/Directors Conference
Over 100 people attended the Conference. Sister Kathleen Kelly, SSS was President of the Association for 12 years. This conference was her last one as President. She was instrumental in the Incorporation and Charity designation for the Association. See below for pictures: