Sisters of Social Service
called to live the christian life with zeal and joy

​Our Origins
The Church's first great encyclical on social justice, Rerum Novarum, was the seedbed of our community.
Our founding members in 1908 adopted the social mission of the Church as the motivating thrust of their lives.
After professional training, they dedicated themselves to responding to the needs of those who were socially, economically and politically powerless.
They believed that they should not only work to heal the wounds of society, but should spend their lives trying to change the conditions that caused the wounds.

​Join Us
The Sisters of Social Service invite young women interested in spreading the Good News to others to join them in their Social and Spiritual Ministry.
Sisters of Social Service are:
bearers of hope
devoted to the Holy Spirit
in solidarity with victims of injustice
Sisters of Social Service have:
warm family spirit
love for peace
pioneering spirit
Sisters of Social Service work at:
blazing new paths
transformation of social system
the welfare of women
social ministry
promoting Christian values
If any of these words speak to you, then speak to one of us.
Following Benedictine spirituality, we draw strength from its Gospel rootedness and the principle that God is everywhere. Therefore every aspect of our ordinary day is potentially holy.
We cherish the familial warmth of community, welcoming the stranger, and find joy in work and renewal in prayer.
Our life is one of simplicity, prayerfulness and unity in the Holy Spirit.

​Our Purpose
We are a community united in hope and dedicated to the Holy Spirit.
Our Society was founded to give glory to God and to collaborate in the redeeming activity of Christ by witnessing to God's sanctifying love.
We share in the social mission of the Church, which we see as embracing the many needs of society arising from social, religious, economic, environmental, cultural and civic conditions.
We participate in the promotion of Christian social justice, especially on behalf of the family, the poor, and the alienated, according to the directives of the Church.
We seek to live an apostolic life that is:
Permeated with the Holy Spirit
Grounded in the spirit of St. Benedict,
Characterized by an informed social consciousness,
And contemporary in our approach to life.
​Our Ministry
S.S.S. Mission Statement
"Under the guidance of the Holy Spirit at work in ourselves, we are a transforming presence through a variety of ministries."
Prayer to the Holy Spirit
O Holy Spirit of God, abide with us,
inspire all our thoughts;
pervade our imaginations;
suggest all our decisions; order all our doings.
Be with us in our silence and in our speech,
In our haste and in our leisure,
In company and in solitude,
In the freshness of the morning and
The weariness of the evening;
Give grace at all times humbly to rejoice in
Your mysterious companionship,
Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen